Everyone has a dream. Ours is to make incredible independent cinema, starting with our first feature length film IN SEARCHING. We can definitely accomplish this goal! When it comes to dreams, it has been said that the sky is the limit, so Producers J.L. Topkis and Russell Bartlett muse on this idea.
Is there someone in the industry whose talent you particularly respect, or whom you aspire to achieve to a similar same level of success some day?
Topkis: Stanley Kubrick is my favorite filmmaker. I don’t desire to be overly prolific; I want to spend time crafting stories that connect you to important meditations on life. He operated outside the industry, and mastered a ton of different genres. His works are gripping, you can feel the depth right away.
If you could work with one artist (director, actor) in the entertainment industry, who would you chose to work with and why?
Topkis: I want to work with an A-list actor so a billion people will see my movie and then I’ll get to make another movie! More specifically, I’d love to watch Christopher Nolan work – especially in development. Each of his films establish rules and carry such a marvelous tone and style. To study how he develops ideas before his direction becomes set in stone would be illuminating.
Bartlett: If I was able to work with one director, it would have to be a directing pair- the Coen Brothers. I would really appreciate the chance to work with Brad Pitt.
We’ve got a long way to go before we’d be leaders in the entertainment industry, but we’re banking on working hard to do what we love for now.
What’s your dream? Share with us your comments, and join the conversation!